Wednesday, June 19, 2024

June 19

School's out for summer! Little Sweetie finished her 4th grade year and immediately jumped into summer fun. We are excited for friend and family time and plan to just soak in this last summer before she heads into the Junior High building!

Goodbye elementary!

We started break off by trying out the pool in our new neighborhood, followed by having some fun with friends, and some one-on-one time with Momma. 

Pool gets 2 thumbs up and I like that she's learning how to skim!


Sleepover with the besties (and moms night for the mommas)!


Shopping with Momma at the mall and the Girl Scout Store!


Looking beautiful going to see the Newsies musical with Momma!

Celebrating Big Brother's end of year school achievements together!

Being silly together!




Found our fondue set in the move and did a cheese fondue one night and then a chocolate fondue the next!

Taking a walk at City Place!

Then it was time for camps to start! First up, VBS. It is Little Sweetie's last year of VBS as a participant. Next year she'll be able to be a helper!


Ready for a great week!

Lucked out having her friend, R, in her crew!


Daily mayhem with K and J!

Helping start Big Brother's birthday celebrations; our VBS is always so sweet to acknowledge it!

Speaking of Big Brother's birthday, Mimi and Pop-Pop came in town to visit and see the new house just in time for our annual Lemonade Stand and birthday fun!

Enjoying grandparent time!

Lemonade Stand!

Chuy's lunch for Brother's birthday!


Helping Big Brother open his presents!

This year our VBS and WOW Science Camps were back-to-back this year, so we these first 2 weeks of June flew by! Again, this is Little Sister's last year as a participant. There is an application process next year, but we are hoping she gets to be Junior Volunteer next summer!

We love Science Camp!

Getting to pet the therapy donkey!


Camp is made better by good friends! Little Sweetie got to be in a section with her good friend since preschool, G, and THEN was thrilled when she found out her beloved buddy from school this year, G, was at camp with her brother!

Getting to see our favorite JV, our buddy E!

Even though our troop takes a break for the summer, Little Sweetie has several Girl Scout adventures lined up. First up, earning her music badge a free music night at The Woodlands Pavilion. 





She really loved trying all the instruments!

And, with all this going on, we also got to celebrate the man himself, Daddy, for Father's Day! It was a great day out on the boat together with the best dad ever. 

Happy Father's Day!

Height and Weight
Down a bit this month in weight at 78.8 lbs. this month, but still stable.  As for height, she's still about 57.25 inches. 

It's fun to have her home again in the summer!  She's showing a lot of maturity in all her help around the house and with her brother. I love hearing all of her creative ideas and stories. 

Developmental Milestones
In between all this, we also managed to fit swim team in! It is her last year of 9-10 year old and she's been a trooper with trying her best between all the craziness of our lives and the move. Proud of all her hard work!

Love these swimmers!

Dive in!

Playing cards with J between races at Summer Thunder!


Qualified for Summer Thunder and then rocked it with a PR!

Sleepy girl after a long day of swimming!

Fun Tidbits
We have officially moved and are sleeping in the new house! I love my cuddle bug so much. 


Last night in old house, and first night in new!

Cuddling in momma's bed!

Next month brings Girl Scout Camp and our National Parks Trip! Here we go again!

Good night, 


Little Sweetie's Momma