Friday, June 19, 2015

June 19

Little Sister may have only grown by a month from May to June, but it feels like so much more.  Our baby girl is maturing every day, both by natural progression and by circumstance.  We couldn't be more proud of her.  


Driving her car through the car wash at My Gym!

Playtime in the upstairs playroom!

"Um, I'm trying to eat my fruit strip here, Dad."

Lunch with Baby L!

Fishing time with Big Brother!


"Yay!  I stole a brownie!"
"Oh no, what do you mean it was the last one?!?!"

Well, if nothing else, the baby doll will be potty trained soon...


Someone stole Big Brother's shoes and is showing off!


Acting as a WILL Power ambassador and accepting a check from My Gym on behalf of her brother (who had school).  Seriously, so proud of our little girl!


Helping Big Brother wait for the bus on his last day of school!

Daddy's work collected donations for the troops.  Little Sister wanted to give them toothbrushes and Big Brother picked granola bars.  So proud of their generous hearts!

Relaxing in bed with Momma!

Finally, out Little Sweetie was approved to get her genetic testing.  Soon, we will know for certain if she is unaffected by, a carrier of, or afflicted by, Sanfilippo Syndrome.  We are cautiously optimistic that she is ok, but please keep her in your prayers as we wait for her results.

Height and Weight 
She's currently at 23.2 lbs. and holding at around 32 inches (with a margin of error to account for squirminess!). 

Very happy and sweet, but has been oddly grumpy lately.  Especially at breakfast.  She'll ask for her food, but then pushes it away angrily when we give it to her.  But then we pretend to eat it and she immediately wants it back and is happy again.  I don't even attempt to understand!  Other than that, and her immediate screams if Big Brother even attempts to touch a toy she's holding, she very happy-go-lucky.

Developmental Milestones
Still doing great with shoes (even getting better on the correct feet issue) and really working on this dressing herself business.  And God forgive you if you forget her hat or or bow (or try to take off these precious shoes)!

Her words are growing daily, but I think my favorite one right now is "happy."  Hearing her say that she is happy and seeing the accompanying smile on her face just warms my heart.  

We also made a big jump this month:  she no longer needs her zippidee-zip and instead is sleeping in just pajamas!  Considering that a month ago I was wondering if I would need to find these in adult sizes so she could sleep for the rest of her life, this is a huge development!  

Another reminder that she is a becoming a big kid is that she now insists on using a real toothbrush like her brother's.  She chose a purple Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles brush and is now obsessed with brushing her teeth.  I guess this is a habit I should keep encouraging!

Fun Tidbits
Later this month, Little Sweetie will start having some one on one time with Aunt J while Momma and Big Brother go to Minnesota for Big Brother's enzyme treatments.  Even though our trips will be short, I am going to miss my little girl.  We've barely been separated since she was born and the idea of leaving either of my children right now, for any amount of time, is hard.  Thankfully, she's an extremely easy baby and I know she'll be in good hands.  And it will be good for her and Daddy to have some one on one time too.  But I'm going to miss her so much when I'm gone!  

See you next month!

Good night, 


Little Sweetie's Momma

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