Tuesday, February 19, 2019

February 19

Time marches on and w're already coming into the end of February!  It's been another fun month with our Little Sweetie.

We had several new adventures this month with friends!  Our first one was a painting class.  I've been trying to get into the kids painting day at our local painting studio for awhile, but their times haven't really worked out with our schedules.  This one finally did, so we invited some friends and made morning of it.  I was really impressed with how well each kid did!


She, T, and G did an awesome job on their paintings!


Her masterpiece!

Our next adventure was hosting a playdate for her preschool class while they were off of school for a Teacher Development Day.  I was nervous about having so many kids and parents over, but I also wanted to connect with her friends and her friends' parents more.  It ended up being a wonderful day for the kids and the moms.  So glad we did it!


Playdate success!  I'm always excited for new activities that are just for her where she gets to have more time developing her friendships.

Of course, we also had more cooking adventures this month.  SO many difference recipes this month.  Her Valentines menu was especially fancy.



The rule in our house is that if you want something sweeter than fruit, you have to want it bad enough to make it.  And we did.  Yay for brownies!


Making cupcakes for her class playdate!


Valentines cookies!

But it's not just all sweet making around here.  She's also tried her hand at some very hearty fare!



Homemade tomato soup and grilled cheese!




Broccoli cheese soup in bread bowls!  She did a great job chopping, grating, and using the immersion blender.



The pizza soup was a big hit!  She especially loved learning to use the can opener and how the sauce made an accidental heart when we poured it into the pan.  "Look, Momma!  You can see the love we put in it!"

Her Valentine's meal was a work of art.  Fancy French chicken, roasted veggies, and chocolate lava cake.  She needed minimal help.  So proud of all the lessons she's learning through cooking, including planning, organizing, and patience!



Everything was so good!

 She was also so excited to set the table all fancy!

So proud of our budding chef!


Little Sweetie also had two very fun events this month!  The month started with her schools Pajama and Pancakes Day with Daddies and the fun continued with Valentines Day!


Excited for PJs and pancakes with Daddy!



Sibling Valentine love!!



The Queen of Valentines Day!

Done after all the Valentines fun!

Also, February means the Rodeo is on its way, so it was time to get someone some new cowgirl boots!


Loving her new boots and wearing them at every opportunity.

The rest of the month was mostly fun moments, interspersed with a little bit of sickness, poor girl.  

Movie night!


Cuddles with big brother!


Always so curious and helpful.  Getting kindling for a fire and checking out the flat tire to see if she can help fix it.


Poor sick girl got hit with a bug out of nowhere.  Thankfully it was short-lived, but I hated that it took her down at all.

Height and Weight
Little Sweetie weight 41.8 pounds and measured in at 43.5 inches.  

Silly girl enjoying her Sunday doughnuts.

Still very loving and fun right now.  She wants to be with us and wants to do things with us and never misses a chance to spend time with her family.  The only days that are rough are those when she misses her nap.  She's also very adventurous and creative.

Building a fort in Big Brother's bed.

Developmental Milestones
Busy, busy, busy girl!  And one who is going to be ready for her kindergarten assessment at the end of the month!


Our architect and builder!  Her creativity and fine motor are so strong.


Gross motor has been really excelling.  She's taken to her new scooter and I couldn't believe how strong she was on the high balance beam at gymnastics!

Fun Tidbits
We were able to have Uncle M, Aunt S, and L over for dinner and playtime and Little Sweetie and her godbrother had such a good time together!


Super fun with these two!

See you in March, 


Little Sweetie's Momma

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