Tuesday, October 19, 2021

October 19: Eight is GREAT!

My baby is now 8 years-old.  She's a wonderful, creative, feisty tornado of amazing and we wouldn't have her any other way.  We've been so excited to enjoy so many wonderful moments with her this month and to celebrate the person she is becoming!

October has actually been a incredibly busy month for us all.  I keep reminding myself it's memories in the making, but I am also tired as all get out!  Little Sweetie's had Run Club and a Choir performances and a fall festival and a bowling party and a skating party and a campout, let alone our family fall adventures. What a month!

We started the month running, although in a different location.  Little Sweetie's school has started a Run Club, so we've started running with them.  She's loved running with all her school friends!


Getting those miles in!

She was also selected to join the school Choir (a kind of big deal for a 2nd grader)!  They performed at Mass this month and, afterwards, she and her friends got to enjoy our parish's Fall Festival.

Choir rehearsing for Mass.


Ready for Festival Fun!

Then, as if her social calendar wasn't already bombarded, we fit in a friend's birthday party at a bowling alley and then a school skating party.  We also got to support some friends at their sporting events!

Bowling with her buddies!



Skating time!


Snacking with L and wishing him luck at his baseball game!

Cheering on E at her volleyball game!

We also hosted our Girl Scout Troop for a backyard cookout/campout.  It was a really fun event, made even better by us being able to surprise Little Sweetie with birthday cupcakes and her troop singing to her!

Setting up the tent!

Surprise!  Happy Early Birthday!

Our little tent village in the backyard.

Our happy campers!

My favorite camping buddy!

The kids both had Fall Break this month, so we were excited to also have some time to celebrate the changing of the season (or as much as it's "changing" in Texas anyway).


Time to decorate!


Grabbing some lunch at their favorite restaurant, Chuys, before heading out to...


...the Pumpkin Patch!


Heading into the spooky corn maze!


Little Sweetie had great fun finding her way through the maize maze and picking out her pumpkin!

Pumpkin patch success!

But of course the big deal this month was somebody's birthday!


Cake and cupcake time for family over the weekend!

Birthday breakfast!

First present!

Half day school pick-up in our new Big Girl Booster!


Chuy's lunch with Aunt S and Mommy and Daddy!


Time for presents!





Very blessed and fortunate little girl.

Eight is great!

Even with all of this going on, we were able to keep up our tradition of cooking together.  One of my favorite things...especially when we've been concentrating on desserts for school lunches, lol!




Chocolate volcano cookies are a new favorite!



Cowboy cookies!




A bunny-themed breakfast dinner also made the menu!

Every minute with this little one is an adventure.  Sometimes amazing, sometimes trying, but it's everything I ever dreamed of.


The October Girls.

Height and Weight
Little Sweetie is now at 56.4 pounds according to the doctor (55.6 pounds on the home scale) and 49.75 inches at the doctor (50 inches on the home growth chart). Well check came back perfect!

Our second grader!

She's our sunshine.  She's loving and thoughtful and also leaning into her own voice and testing boundaries.  She's our Little Sweetie.

Enjoying a lazy morning breakfast outside.

Developmental Milestones
All As on her report card and only good reports from her teachers, but what we care about isn't grades but understanding and critical thinking and she's got that, with an emphatic heart, in spades.  


Although many have stopped masking, without kids being able to get vaccinated, Little Sweetie knows the importance of keeping Big Brother and all other vulnerable populations safe.  Even stuffed tigers should mask!


Artistic expression is still a big motivator for her...Lite Brite and learning the basics of basket weaving, great for fine motor development!

She composed, wrote, and read a beautiful letter to Big Brother telling him what he meant to her.  Tears from parents may have been shed.

Fun Tidbits
As always, Little Sweetie's birthday means personalized pictures to commemorate it!  Her theme this year was Scooby-Doo and our photographer continues to give us the best memories ever.













We cherish this little girl and everything she adds to our family!

Grateful for another year with our Little Sweetie, another year together as a family, and another year of blessings.

Good night,


Little Sweetie's Momma

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