Sunday, December 19, 2021

Christmas Trip 2021

 With Covid still being a very real and present thing and the kids not being fully vaccinated yet, we decided to just do a simple in-state trip for some Christmas Break fun.  We headed over to San Antonio to see Mimi and Pop-Pop for an early Christmas celebration, to finally check out the Christmas offerings at Morgan's Wonderland, and to enjoy a family favorite, Sea World at Christmas time!

Little Sweetie had a half day on the Friday going into break, so we took Little Buddy out of school early to start our drive over.  It was so nice to spend time with Mimi and Pop-Pop!  

The Christmas crew is ready for some Christmas fun!


Presents!  Christmas came early on Saturday!


Mimi and Little Sweetie worked hard on decorating some gingerbread houses!

Mimi and Little Buddy watching the Charlie Brown characters moving and making music!


Little Sweetie enjoyed a tea party and LEGO time with Pop-Pop!


Little Buddy loved reading his new books with Pop-Pop and playing with his new toy with Daddy!

Saturday night, we finally had the opportunity to head over to Morgan's Wonderland to enjoy their holiday activities.  It continues to be one of our favorite places and, because of the cold snap that kept native Texans away, we basically had the park to ourselves for rides, cookies and hot chocolate, and all the activities!


Beautiful views from the Ferris Wheel!


Simulated ice skating rink was a lot of fun!


Cuddles and smiles on the train ride!

The glove that tried to escape, lol!

We got to see Santa!!!

The Sensory Village had some really fun upgrades even since we were there in June!



Cool live animation studio!



Enjoying the interactive topographical map!


Little Buddy enjoyed the interactive screens and the adaptive X-Box!


A quick ride on the carousel to close out the evening!

Really enjoyed our evening!

Being that Morgan's Wonderland and Sea World are on the opposite side of town from Mimi and Pop-Pop, we moved over to a hotel for our two outings.  Little Sweetie was enjoying her hotel life!

Sticker time with Daddy!

Loving her continental breakfast!

The last stop of our trip was Sea World and, once again, I cannot be more happy with our choice to go.  With two children of very different developmental ages, Sea World has enough offerings to keep them both very happy.  Little Buddy loves the Sesame Street characters, the kiddie rides (which are designed for parents to ride with kids, so he has plenty of room), the room to walk around, and the animals.  Little Sweetie is now old enough to appreciate the big kid rides while still enjoying the animals too.  Momma and Daddy enjoy the beautiful Christmas lights and the music.  Plus, it was still cold, so we again had the park to ourselves!

Fun treat:  We ran into Little Sweetie's friends, C and R!

Little Sweetie was tall enough this trip to ride some REAL coasters!  We wanted to do the less intense Wave Breaker coaster BUT it kept being shut down because of the light rain.  So, she chose to start with the 150 ft. drop and 65 mph of the Steel Eel!  She survived and, while not sure during the ride or immediately after, decided a bit later that it was great!  She then decided to go on the Texas Stingray next!


The beginnings of a Coaster Girl!

Ready for the Clyde and Seamore Show!

We finished the day with fantastic lights and the Sesame Street parade.  What a great night!


Little Buddy definitely approved!

We head back home tomorrow to enjoy Christmas and the rest of break, but I'd say our little trip was perfect.  Such a great family time together!

Until next time, 


Little Buddy's and Little's Sweetie's Momma

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