Sunday, July 19, 2015

July 19

I'm not sure calling this a crazy month really encompasses all we have been through, but that's the best word I can think for it.  Thankfully, our Little Sweetie has weathered it all with her (usually) sweet and easy-going disposition.  She's been dealing with Momma and her Bubby traveling to Minnesota and changes in her routine and then went with the flow during our big 7/11 to Cure Sanfilippo events and our Ohio/Pennsylvania trip.  Even with all the big things happening, it's nice to take time and really focus on her little moments.



Look at this happy girl showing off her new dress!  So cute and grown up that I can't even stand it!


However, don't tell her that you think she's grown up, or else she jump right back in the bouncer and insist she's still a baby!


Also, she'll also try to convince you that she's not always happy, like here, when I caught her twirling around the greasy flag pole right before we were supposed to leave.  She's not mad she's dirty, she's mad I made her stop!   I guess I'm taking a coal miner with me to do errands today!

But she's also an awesome sister.  She insisted on waiting up until brother got home from his Minnesota visit and then had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with him.  I'm so proud of her and hope that her empathetic heart continues to grow!


We got to have a fun Wonderwild date this month, which makes me happy.  I used to do so many activities with Big Brother when he was small and I sometimes worry that I am short-changing her, as she's just normally left to the whim of brother's needs and schedules.  Having special time that is just for her is very important to me.  

But thankfully, some of the Bubby's events benefit her too, like being recognized as an awesome sibling at the Make-A-Wish night at California Pizza kitchen.  Looking good, Chef Sweetie!

Height and Weight 
She's currently around 24 lbs. and a hair over 32 inches.  Still our little peanut!

Very happy and smiley, though definitely affirming her temper if Big Brother tries to do something that she doesn't like (such as take a toy from her)!  We've had lots of success with her colors.  She can name most of them and sort things by color.  Still not ready to sing her ABCs for us yet!   

Developmental Milestones
Still gaining words and language.  And the pajamas are working out!  I am still amazed at how easy that process went.  However, she is not going into a big bed anytime soon.  I still need her to be my baby somehow!  

Fun Tidbits
She is doing really well with Aunt J watching her.  We are so blessed by Aunt J's generosity in this.  Little Sweetie gets to keep her schedule and routine and get to develop a close bond with another adult who loves her.  We couldn't ask for anything more!

I'll hope to have more detail next month.  I feel like I am slipping a little with everything that is going on with Big Brother, but it is important for me to capture all of these memories, which are now more precious than ever.

Good night, 


Little Sweetie's Momma

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