Saturday, July 18, 2015

Lots of Fun in Ohio (and Pennsylvania Too!)

With everything that's so quickly happening with Little Buddy's diagnosis, we are trying our best to focus on making memories together as a family.  So, we are keeping the traveling train going!  Minnesota for inaugural clinical trial treatment last month and the Make-A-Wish trip next month means that we might as well head into Ohio (and Pennsylvania) this month!

I've already mentioned the amazing response we had for the 7/11 to Cure Sanfilippo campaign, but I wanted to touch on our other adventures as well.  We started off the visit with lots of fun at Mimi and Pop-Pop's house and in Marietta overall.  The kids got to help outside, play on the castle, take rides in the Shriner car, and even take a ride on their first sternwheeler, the Valley Gem!  

Mr. World Traveler is ready to go...again!


We made it!  Hanging out in Marietta, sliding down the castle slide and playing with Daisy Dog!

These two were big helpers!  They helped Mimi water the flowers...

...and then helped Pop-Pop put the new play workbench together!  Little Sister needed wear a cape to do the job correctly, of course!  ;)

Little Sister loved playing dolls with Mimi!

Definitely had some super tired kids each night, though!

We got to celebrate Little Buddy's 5th birthday again!


Little Sister couldn't get enough of sorting Daddy's old color bears!

Time for a sternwheeler ride!


Little Sister was excited for a peanut butter and jelly picnic on the boat!

Marietta College Boathouse...Momma's old stomping grounds!


A big treat for out little guy...he got to "drive" the boat!

I think he definitely enjoyed himself being an honorary river boat pilot!


And no Marietta visit is ever complete without a ride in the old car!

But we have to say that, without a doubt, the best part of this trip was receiving the news that out Little Sweetie is definitely NOT afflicted with Sanfilippo Syndrome!   WOOHOO!  She is, however, a carrier, but now she will have that knowledge and be able to make educated decisions about life when she grows up.  We could not be more thankful for this news!

The next stop on our trek was up to Canton to visit Mamaw and Papaw!  This visit was full of fun, including a nature walk at the local library with the kids' great Aunt P, playing outside, a visit from great Aunt K, and a trip to Cedar Point!

Loved the beanstalk Aunt P had decorated in the library!

Nature walk around Sippo Lake!



Thank you to my parents' neighbors, Mr. & Mrs. F, for letting the kids use your playhouse!

Little Buddy enjoying a story from Aunt K!

The many faces of Little Sister as she plays with her new favorite toy...a suitcase!

Daddy and I were so excited to share one of our favorites places with the kiddos...Cedar Point, America's roller coast!

Ready for adventure!

The kids did great with the rides!

Little Buddy was so excited to meet Charlie Brown and Snoopy!

The Peanuts gang show was a big hit with Little Sister as well!

The third leg of our trip was to Pennsylvania to see our friends, the M family!  We were so excited to play and swim, check out the zoo, and meet DANIEL TIGER!!!


Little Sweetie is so excited to drive to Ms. L and Mr. B's house!


Lots of fun swimming and playing with R and C!


Our best attempts at a group picture with 4 wiggle worms!

We continued the fun at Idlewild Park!  Mimi and Pop-Pop came to join us.  While all of Idlewild was fun, the best part by far was the Daniel Tiger section!



Loved watching the Daniel Tiger show and then meeting Daniel and Katerina!

Ready to ride the trolley into...

...The Land of Make Believe!!!


They loved seeing all of their favorite characters!

And then off to the rides!

Brother and Sister pilots!

Mr. B was very brave and did the teacups with R and Little Buddy!


The big kids had a great time on the Ferris Wheel with the Daddies!

Big slide time!


Momma realized she wasn't as young as she used to be on the Black Widow with Little Buddy!



After the park, Little Sister once again showed all her faces during a delicious dinner!

The kids had a great day and slept well, but sleeping in a hotel that means that Momma and Daddy are regulated to the bathroom to do work!

We finished our last day with a very hot, but also very fun, day at the Pittsburgh Zoo! 


We're going to the zoo, zoo, zoo...


"It looks like Chesney-dog!"

Little Sister really liked the giraffes...

...but I'd have to say that the polar bear was the highlight of the trip!

And the aquarium was a huge hit too!

Thanks to the M family and Mimi and Pop-Pop for such a fun day!

Until next time, 


Little Sweetie's Momma

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