Sunday, November 19, 2017

November 19

One month of being 4 years old is in the books!  And what a month it was!

Unfortunately, one of the first parts of being 4 was her 4 year well-check.  That was not her favorite part.  Momma was also a little emotional for the check because it was Big Brother's 4 year well-check that first started us down the path of something being different with our boy.  Thankfully, we knew Little Sweetie's was going to be ok, but it still made me anxious.


She didn't mind the eye or hearing test and did a great job on them both!

However, she also had to get two vaccines and her flu shot.  Those didn't go quite as well.  This was the first yer she really understood what was happening and she tensed up really tight, making her muscles really sore.  I couldn't get her to walk afterward because she said it hurt too much.  Poor thing was miserable.

Lunch with Daddy helped, but she still wanted to lay down and not move the rest of the day.  Thankfully, by the next day she was back up and raring to go!

But that was the only real hiccup.  The rest of the month our littlest love got to have lots of fun and try lots of new things!


Enjoying celebrating another friend's birthday!



Run season has started!  She did great during her first race!


Besides running, Little Sweetie is also trying out ballet this month!  Excited for her to explore all these interests!

On Fridays, we have been trying out "Fun Friday," where we go do something or go somewhere new. It's basically just Momma crossing off my To Do list of things I want to do or try with her before she starts school full-time.  And that day just keeps creeping closer.

Enjoying herself at a trampoline play place for a Fun Friday adventure!

Hanging with our friend J at the newly opened Kanga play center!

Even though she is a creature of habit, I also got her to try two new restaurants out this month.  She was hesitant at first, but then thrilled when when had a horse to ride and the other had a fooseball table!

We even got to go with our friends C and E to water our other friend, O, dance in the Nutcracker!  I was so impressed that Little Sweetie was able to sit through an entire ballet performance; that takes a lot of maturity and patience.  She really enjoyed it!

While all her activities and adventures are keeping her busy, we also love watching her explore her around the house skills!




She's still all about cooking this month!  Love to see her learning measurements and states of matter all while learning this life skill!

Our big helper has also been helping out Daddy while he works on the fence repair!


And some days we just want to be a skeleton prairie girl.

Finishing an adventure-filled day with stories.  As told by BatDad.  Just a normal day.

Height and Weight
We weighed her tonight at 38 pounds and 4 ounces and she went up to 39.5 inches this month!

Beautiful, growing girl!

So inquisitive and joyful (unless she doesn't get her nap, in which case she's kinda a jerk).  She's begun trying to explain everything to us, even stuff she doesn't know.  If there is something that she doesn't want to do, she tells us that she's "a little scared," which she isn't, she's just being obstinate.  So much growing up and figuring life out going on her in her little brain.  She's my favorite person to hang out with.  

Mommy daughter day fun.

Developmental Milestones
Still continuing to grow and learn.  She's doing great with her letter sounds, her coloring, and her writing.  She still loves school and all of our daily activities help satisfy and expand her curiosity.   

She wrote that independently without any help!


There can never be too much coloring!

I often talk a lot about her overall language and fine motor development, but I have to give a lot of credit to her emotional intelligence development and maturity.

Big Brother had a procedure at the hospital and it took longer than expected.  And by longer, I mean HOURS longer.  You'd expect a four year old to get bored and cranky and throw a tantrum stuck in a hospital that long.  Not this girl.  She entertained herself the entire time.  That takes a lot of maturity and understanding.  So proud of her.

Fun Tidbits
Little Sweetie had her first Thanksgiving Feast at preschool this month too!  She and her buddy, K, had a great time singing their turkey songs and enjoying their "feast."  She even ate some celery!


Thankful for moments like these!

And after all our adventures and outings and special moments, this is still one of my favorite things to end my day with.

She is perfect.

Good night, 


Little Sweetie's Momma