Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Happy Halloween!

It's a rainy Halloween day, but these two are still excited for the big day!



Those smiles...better than any jack-o-lantern!

 Both Little Sweetie and Little Buddy had fun days at school today for the holiday.  


Little Sweetie had Pumpkin Day at school...lots of fun games and activities.  Then we got to go have a special lunch together afterwards since it was too rainy for our normal park and picnic routine.


Little Buddy found himself awestruck by Darth Vader at his school!

Sadly, the rain really started to come down just in time to make Trick-or-Treating difficult.  The kids got their costumes on but we scaled back on our trick-or-treating expectations.  Or at least Little Buddy did.  We took him to just one neighbor's house and he was good.  Little Sweetie, however, was bound and determined to go.  She got her umbrella and off we went.  We hit around 10 houses but, because so few trick-or-treaters were out, the candy givers were very generous and her bucket got pretty full pretty quickly.

Our Owlette and Stormtrooper!

Umbrella up, candy ho!

Sorting her spoils!

Candy time!  She got to have one piece of candy before bed.  Funnily enough, it was too sweet for her, so I think Daddy will be taking a lot of this left over candy into work!

Definitely the wettest Halloween in memory, but they had a good day, so we'll take it!

Happy Haunting, 


Little Sweetie's Momma

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