Thursday, October 19, 2017

October 19

And suddenly, our baby turned into a preschooler and is now 4!  Oh Little Sweetie, how bright you make our days!  Her 4 year old pictures turned out magical!





Thrilled to be 4!

My favorite girl!

Blessed by each day we have together.




Daddy's girl.

It has been a great month.  Little Sweetie is having the perfect balance of preschool and home time and I'm just soaking in all of our memories!

Good morning world!  Time to start our day!

If her feet are tired during our errands, someone still fits in the carrier!

Back to Baby Boot Camp fun!

Loves playdates with her friend K!


Her imagination knows no's Secret Agent Sweetie, on the case!  Love just playing with her each day!

Helping brother at night with his sacrament prep!

Height and Weight
Her doctor visit has her at 36 pounds, 6.4 ounces (up 5 pounds from last year) and 39.25 inches (up 3 inches from last year).  Our littlest love is growing slowly, but still growing! 

Big girl modeling her new birthday dress in PJ Mask fabric!

Spunky girl started her birthday off with a cannoli at lunch...


...and finished with some chocolate cake after dinner!  She was also excited to wear her birthday crown from school!

Still fun and loving and precocious, but we are also finding our way to bossy and authoritative recently!  Her way or the highway!  And while that doesn't always fly with Momma and Daddy, we are glad to provide her the boundaries that she needs but still allow her to grow into her own confidence and leadership.  There will be tears and temper tantrums but those are important for her emotional development.  It's trying at times but it's all growing pains and we love to see the feisty independent soul she is growing into!

The boss.  Or so she thinks.

Developmental Milestones
Language and fine motor are exploding.  For an example of her language, on the morning of October 4th we asked her how she slept the night before.  She replied, "I had the most wonderful dream.  I was dancing in my pajamas with a  robot and he was doing a robot dance.  We were dancing to a Spanish Moana song."  Her sentence structure, diction, level of detail, and sentence length blow me away.  

However, language development also means the development of lying, so we have had to work a lot on discussing truth versus lies.  Lying is an important milestone, but also one that needs addressed.  But to know that she can construct abstract realities and understand that if someone doesn't see something happen you can influence their interpretation of events...well, that's a big deal!

There also a lot of "why?" questions and wanting explanations and definitions of things.  I love watching her mind grow!

In terms of fine motor, her color and drawings are really getting precise!

She loves to color!

Fun Tidbits
Our love of cooking continues this month!  We have begun to work through her Minnie Mouse cookbook and we made homemade doughnuts in honor of letter D!


Just cooking up a storm!

And that's 4!  Excited for her birthday party next week!

Good night,


Little Sweetie's Momma

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