Sunday, October 8, 2017

San Antonio Spooktacular

Five years ago this weekend, we took Little Buddy to San Antonio to do the River Walk and the Spooktacular Sea World.  He loved it and Little Sweetie has seen pictures of our trip and started asking (cough, demanding) to go try it herself.  Since we won Sea World tickets at a recent silent auction, we decided to go for it.  It was going to be a very quick trip but we know that any time we can carve together as a family to make memories is worth it.  So off we went!

First up, River Walk!

Mexican and mariachi music!  Little Sweetie was shy but she loved it when they played the Chicken Dance for her!


Dipping her feet in the River Walk!

Love these two!

Skeleton pajama party in the hotel!

The next day, we headed to Sea World's Spooktacular.  The kids were excited for the trick or treating, the Halloween-themed activities and decorations, and to wear their costumes.  Momma and Daddy were not excited about how hot it was!  Thankfully, everyone had a good day, which made up for the crazy heat.

Little Buddy found his Sesame Street friends!  These shows are always his favorite part of Sea World.

Look at this joy!  Sesame Street for the win!

Hi Elmo!

Next up, it was time for some rides!

The Stormtrooper rode the carousel but he wasn't happy about it.  He wanted the Sesame Street people back!

Little Sweetie rode her first roller coaster!  Despite what this picture displays, she loved it and insisted on riding the front car the next time!  Little Buddy loved his ride on it too.


Owlette and Momma on the kiddie ferris wheel!

Little Buddy and Daddy rode it too!

Train ride!

We did see the animal exhibits but were too busy keeping Little Buddy out of trouble to take many pictures!  They enjoyed feeding the Sea Lions and also seeing the penguins.

And then we drove home!  Only a 36 hour trip but a good one.  Sometimes it is just nice to get out of our routine and do something fun together.  Hoping for more fun weekend trips this fall and winter!

Good night,


Little Sweetie's Momma

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