Tuesday, September 19, 2017

September 19

And slowly, summer bleeds into fall.  Time continues on, even if we wish it would stop.  After the brokenness of the summer following Big Brother's clinical trial cancelation, I hoped we would get into a routine and start to at least feel "normal" again, even if we actually weren't.  It started off well, but as you can see from our other post, we faced insanity yet again with Hurricane Harvey.  Little Sweetie was amazing and came through the weather crisis well.  It didn't phase her as she started her fall routine and...dum dum dum...started pre-school!  It's been another wonderful month for our sweet girl and we're so glad for every experience, especially when we realize that next month she'll be 4!

Although she still had two weeks before starting school, Little Sweetie had to get in on the first day picture action with Big Brother!

As usual, we stay very busy.  We do busy best!  Little Sweetie's schedule is very full with swimming, school, My Gym, Run Club, and any adventures we can give her.  We recognize that this is probably our last full year with her before she spends more time at school than she does with us and we want to soak it all in.  


After her success with Ms. J in swimming this summer, we decided to keep her in swim classes through the fall and winter.  She's doing amazing!  We're hoping by keeping her skills sharp that she'll be pool independent by next summer!



Run Club has started again!  She did two miles on her opening night!  I think we may have turned her into a runner!

Having some fun at the Ninja Warrior place!  Super strong sister!


Ready for some Astros baseball and impatiently waiting on us to get going!

Besides all the running around and adventures, we make sure to take joy in the simple day to day things that make life full of sweetness.

She loves her brother!

Bedtime shenanigans.

Completely absorbed in the new Lego catalog.

Can't leave a drop of ice cream in that bowl...better drink it up!

Just chilling in the bathroom together.

Height and Weight
Little Sweetie is definitely getting bigger!  She's 36.2 lbs. this month and 39 inches!

She is my sunshine girl.  Bright and happy and inquisitive and creative and amazing.  It's been so fun watching her coming into her own, especially with school.  She simply shines when she goes to school.  It's beautiful to watch.

All the smiles with my bold, bright girl!

Developmental Milestones
Her little brain keeps growing and she can't get enough of "projects" and crafts!  It's amazing to see what her little fingers can do.

Making a model of a lung!


She found a book of crafts and insisted on making one of them.  It involved, cutting, hot glue, and yarn sewing.  We were so proud of her!

Those little fingers made this monster.  :)

Fun Tidbits
Big Brother asked for an apple pie, so Little Sweetie and Daddy made him one.  I love these two!

The great pie bakers!

Looking forward to our last month of adventures with this sweet three year old...then onto year four next month!

Good night,


Little Sweetie's Momma

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