Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Wizarding and Other Holiday Florida Fun!

As part of my resolutions for the new year, I am trying to get back on my regular blogging.  Does that mean I have about a year of backlog I need to catch up on?  Yes, yes it does.  But I caught up once before so I am going to try to do it again. What would be helpful is if I had a timeturner, but sadly, they don't actually sell those at Universal Studio's Wizarding World!

As I mentioned in our last post, the MPS Conference this year was the traditional "Disney" conference taking place in Orlando. We had attended the last Disney conference in 2019 and then the world shut down 3 months following due to Covid. Little Sweetie had been in Kinder and Will in 4th grade...it feels like a lifetime ago! 

Although we really wanted some down time this holiday (I feel we have gone nonstop since Little Sweetie and I's choir trip to Rome last Christmas), we had decided to go to this conference so that we could take our Harry Potter-loving Little Sweetie to the Wizarding World at Universal Studios and so we could have a quick visit with Mimi and Pop Pop. 

Due to school schedules, we only planned to attend the last day of the conference, but that got messed up thanks to plane delays for a broken closet door.  Ay yi yi.  We did manage to see a few Sanfilippo friends though!

Ready to travel...but ended up sitting on the plane for a few hours (with a deboarding and reboarding and a new flight plan) before we finally were able to take off. 

Finally made it to Orlando!

Will was so happy to see Ms. A!

Thankfully, our hotel room was comfortable and Little Sweetie was excited about the fainting couch and decided to sleep there. 


We enjoyed breakfast and got to see our friend, J, and Santa and Mrs. Claus!

And then we were off to Universal Studios! We only had one day in the park so we worked to make the most of it. 

Ready to start our adventure!

Will was getting excited while Little Sweetie rode her first roller coaster of the day!

And now, for the main event, Dragon Alley!


Very magical watching Little Sweetie take it all in!

The first dragon fire might have startled her a bit!

"You're a wizard, Will!"

It was bittersweet to be back at Universal nine years after's Will's Make-A-Wish trip. He's changed so much since then and it's hard not to focus on the things he's lost. But I am grateful he could visit again!

He did still enjoy Dr. Seuss Land though!


Now, Little Sweetie was beyond excited to pick out her own wand from Olivander's!


Hogwarts and chocolate frogs!

Waiting in line with Momma! Even with fast passes, we had to wait quite a bit for the Raptor coaster and for Gringott's because it kept breaking down (and broke down with us on it! Thankfully, we were at the end of the ride when it happened).


Platform 9 3/4 and the Leaky Cauldron (along with her new owl, Snowball)!


It was a long day, but so worth it!

We spent the next morning packing up and getting ready to head to Palmetto. But first a quick walk around Disney Springs!

Fueling up!



Enjoying all the sites and decoration at Disney Springs!

We then drove over to Mimi and Pop Pops for a quick visit and an early Christmas. It was so nice to enjoy family time, swimming, and holiday fun.

Will checking out the pool!




Lots of fun opening presents and building gingerbread houses!

Merry Christmas!

Headed home on Christmas Eve for our first Christmas in our new house!

It was a very quick trip, but worth it. I am so glad we got to give Little Sweetie the Harry Potter experience and that we got to spend time with Mimi and Pop Pop at the holiday. I wish we could have had longer, but I am glad that we made it safely home to start making Christmas traditions in our new house. What a year it has been!

Good night and Merry Christmas! 


Little Sweetie's Momma

Friday, July 19, 2024

July 19

Summer has been in full swing and we've been keeping up the best that we can. It's been a lot with swimming and Girl Scout camp and selling a house and power outages from a hurricane before leaving on a 10 day National Parks adventure...we're tired!

Swim season ended on a high note for Little Sweetie. She got 5th in our Division for Breast Stroke, the Coach's award for her age, and qualified for All Stars where she PRed!


End of season awards!


Success at All Stars!

In out true over-programming fashion, we left All Stars just to head straight to Misty Meadows for a week of Girl Scout Resident Camp!  She and her friend T were excited for another summer of riding camp.

Ready for camp!

Brave besties ready for another adventure!

I'll both miss my girl and be so jealous of her!

Archery ace!

Enjoying her camp experience!


Getting my baby back!


They had a great time!

She was also a big help as we prepared to sell our home.  We are very happy in our new home, but of course it's hard to leave so many memories! 


Helping Dad prep the old house for sale.

Last family picture at the old house.


We did something right and thankfully sold our house very quickly and closed at the beginning of July!

We then kept buy with the rest of our usual fun. We did some baking, finished our summer reading challenge, going to movies, Girl Scout programs, and family time.



Making Coal Seam Cookies from the mix Ms. Mira sent.

Up, up, and away with summer reading!

Movie time!


Enjoyed the Junior Journey at the Houston Museum of Natural Science.


Enjoying our time together in the new house!

We also got spend our first Independence Day in the new neighborhood and brought our old traditions to the new home. 

First bike ride in the new neighborhood!





Ice cream ball success!

Happy 4th of July!

Excited we are able to see fireworks from the back yard!

We haven't been able to get out on the boat much this summer due to the move, but we did make it out to have fun with Little Sweetie's friend T and her parents!  


Fun in the sun, and then home before a hurricane!

Then our summer became a bit more chaotic as Hurricane Beryl hit the Houston area.  We were fortunate that our new house sustained no damage, but we were without power for a week. Our old neighborhood was hit hard.  Such a tough time for so many.

Picnicking upstairs to take advantage of the sunlight in our post-hurricane power outage.

We were able to run a portable air-conditioning unit in the downstairs, so Little Sweetie bunked with us on a cot. 


Making their own fun in the dark by lantern light.

Our helper was a big help with hand washing the dishes!


We thankfully had a nice neighbor who let us use a piano for Little Sweetie to practice since ours is electric.

And then it was time to escape the power outage and head northwest for our big National Parks trip! I will have a separate write up on that coming.

Height and Weight
Literally, no clue. We don't have her height chart up in the new house and with the hurricane and preparing for our National Parks trip, we didn't get her weighed.  She's still cute though!

Happy, healthy, and resilient!

This girl may just be 10 but she thinks she's ready for teenager hood.  But I'm not.  Stay young, little one!


Developmental Milestones
It's been a summer of survival with all the transitions going on, but she's doing great. She's been very mature and helpful with the move and handling the hurricane aftermath well.  We'll see how the trip goes!

Fun Tidbits
Little Sweetie has wanted to go fishing in the big back lake since we moved into the new neighborhood.  Unfortunately, with the move and the hurricane, Momma and Daddy just really haven't had the time to take her. However, her babysitter, JM loves to fish and came early one morning and took her! It was quite a bit of excitement for her in the post-hurricane power outage.



A successful fishing morning!

By this time next month, we will have visit 5 National Parks and Historic sites.  Can't wait!

Good night, 


Little Sweetie's Momma