Monday, June 19, 2023

June 19

School has ended and summer is already in full swing! Our third grader is officially gone and our rising 4th grader is ready for all of our summer adventures.

Finishing up the year with Choir pictures!


End of year birthday pool parties and Girl Scout pool parties!

And the day has's out for summer!

Since Little Sweetie got out of school before Big Brother, so we got to spend some special time together. 


No more school means time to paint nails!


Just a beautiful day to talk a walk with my beautiful girl.

All smiles!


Sleepover with her besties while the mommas go out!


Picked up for a bagel breakfast and shopping with Momma...


...then fancy lunch with Daddy!

Unfortunately, we underestimated her tiredness level...oops!


But so much fun to have her days again!

Little Sweetie has a boatload of camps this summer, and they started quickly.  First up, VBS. 




She was tired after a full, but fun, week!

VBS rolls right into our WILLPower Lemonade Stand, which means it was also time for Big Brother's birthday!

Little Sweetie and T selling lemonade for a good cause!








The best little sister around helping her big brother open his birthday gifts!

Speaking of Big Brother's birthday, our photography grabbed some great shots of Little Sweetie during his birthday portraits. 

Daddy's girl and full of spice. 


So grown up...

But not too much!

Family time!

Brother and Sister!

WILLPower forever!

After VBS and birthday festivities, we usually have a week of down time after VBS, but not this year! Little Sweetie had to hurry and get a hair cut before flying to Florida with Daddy to visit Mimi and Pop Pop, only to come home and head out to Girl Scout camp!



Trimmed up and easier to manage for Girl Scout camp!


Florida fun for my little one!

June kept hopping with a quick Father's Day celebration at Chuy's before Little Sweetie left for a week of Girl Scout Camp!


Happy Father's Day Daddy!

Watch out, Misty Meadows, this crazy pants is headed your way!

Packed her trunk and ready to go!


So excited for Little Sweetie and her friend T to have a great week!

Camp fun!

Riding time!

Swimming is also still a big part of our summer.  We've been so excited with how Little Sweetie has progressed this year in her skills and her confidence. She's been focused on her starts and has become quite the breaststroke swimmer!


Practicing her starts!


Having fun between events!

Ready to race!


Sharks Splash Invitational!


Awesome job at Divisionals!  And Uncle M, Aunt S, and L got to come watch her!


Swim team hardware from the Invitational and Divisionals!

Ready for next year and adding an entry to the t-shirt design contest!

In the (little bits) of free time we have, Little Sweetie plays on the computer, goes on family walks (sometimes in costume), enjoys family cuddles, and reads stories to Big Brother.


Love all of our summer moments together!

Height and Weight
Little Sweetie is staying strong at 70.6 lbs. this month and now up to 54.5 inches!

My baby isn't so babyish bittersweet.

I mean, just look at the pictures.  Need I say anything more??  Hitting some emotional spots as we start doing things like "huffing" at her parents for no real reason and being a bit more sensitive more easily, but all normal for her beginning to grow and change into a preteen!

Zero sugar here, all spicy. 

Developmental Milestones
Just bright and engaged with the world around her.  Doing well on all her summer learning time (even if she resents Momma for making her do it) and always finding cool things to do when she's bored (even if she resents Momma for telling her being bored is the best gift I could give you).

Quietly observing a turtle friend we found. 

Fun Tidbits
Parenthood has no report card, but sometimes you find sweet reminders that you might be doing ok 

Praying I always fulfill this for her. 

Looking forward to another month of summer fun in July!

Good night, 


Little Sweetie's Momma