Saturday, February 27, 2016

Family Date Day: Wunderlich Farm!

What a wonderful family day!  Little Buddy and Little Sweetie came up to cheer me on after my last half marathon training run, then we went out for pancakes, and then we got to go check out Wunderlich farm, a local historic area!

The farm is right next to a school in the middle of a subdivision, but it manages to be on its own at the same time and is so picturesque!



The kids had such fun checking out the vintage farm equipment and the animals!  Little Sweetie was the most excited by the baby bunnies!

Checking out the broccoli plants!

They loved the tractors!

A great family date day!

I'm always so happy when we can do fun, new activities together as a family!

Good night, 


Little Sweetie's Momma

Friday, February 26, 2016

Our Little Cow Kids!

It's Go Texan Day (it's a Texas thing) and both kids have been excited for it all week!  Our little cowboy and cowgirl were excited to wear their gear and Little Buddy even had a program at school.



Little Buddy practicing for Go Texan Day at school!

Little Sweetie wasn't totally ready by the time Little Buddy needed to leave for school, but this was a good way to start the day!


Our cowboy and cowgirl!


They both love Little Buddy's teacher, Ms. H!


Little Buddy loved the barn decoration in the gym!  He just wished there were actual horses to see!

Happy Go Texan Day, y'all!


Little Sweetie's Momma

Monday, February 22, 2016

Dentist Days!

What a great day at the dentist!!!

Bet you never thought you'd hear a mom of two say that, but it was!  Even though I was incredibly nervous going it, both kiddos were super brave and are still cavity-free!  We were very proud of Little Sweetie for getting over her nervousness and for Little Buddy for actually tolerating his first set of x-rays(!) and his teeth cleaning!  It was so awesome, it deserved a blog post!

Little Sweetie was excited that we picked up Little Buddy from school for a quick lunch before our appointment.  And both of them were excited that Daddy joined us too!


Momma just had to hold his hands down while they worked on his teeth, but otherwise Little Buddy didn't struggle at all!  Truly an accomplishment!

Little Sweetie was a tad nervous, but Daddy held her hand through it all, and she did great!  Unfortunately, that meant we didn't get any pictures until the end when she wanted to show off her clean teeth and new backpack!  Our pediatric dentists are amazing!


A quick stomp in the puddles with her rain boots while we drop Little Buddy back off at school!

So proud of them both!  I hope we only have appointments like this in the future!

Have a great night, 


Little Sweetie's Momma

Friday, February 19, 2016

February 19

Although we tried to tell Little Sweetie that she is 28 months today, she insisted that she's "just two!" If only I could keep her "just two" forever!

Another fun month has passed with our little girl and we've been loving every minute of watching her become her own (often very opinionated) person as we enjoy many family adventures together.



The many faces of our favorite girl!  Breakfast is always entertaining.

We started off the month with a Texans game!  Little Sweetie and Daddy even got their picture taken and posted on the news website!

Pretty enough for pictures!  The game started out fun, however, Little Sweetie got cranky and a little warm by the end.  Since Big Brother and I were heading out to Minnesota in a few days, we decided to take her into urgent care, just in case...

...and we were glad we did.  Guess who was rocking a slight case of RSV and the beginnings of a double ear infection?  Yikes!


Thankfully, some medicine and some rest were in her immediate future.  But poor baby girl was pretty miserable for the rest of the day.  Since she is so rarely ill, she never knows how to handle it when she is fighting something.  Luckily, she got over it in a few days!

Little Sweetie and I have been working on getting ourselves into a good routine.  Mondays and Wednesdays we go work out and then head home for lunch (she prefers a good peanut butter and jelly sandwich lately).  Tuesdays we have been enjoying story time at the library, a trolley ride, and usually lunch with some friends.  Thursdays have been workouts and My Gym and lunch, with Fridays being similar.  She's also been enjoying Run Club on the weekends with her big Bubby!

Playing in the fountains with C after a fun lunch with friends!

Running to the library in the only hat I can get her to wear in this cold snap.  It's too big, but if she'll wear it, I'll take it!

So excited for her trolley ride!

Running super fast with her stroller at Run Club!

And then she makes her own rules and own routine for parts of the day... when she tells me we're going to have a late start to the day because she wants to snuggle her momma in the big bed...



...or when she decides that an afternoon should be dedicated to wearing each pair of my shoes out of my closet.  

We had some lovely sibling time this month too.  I love watching every interaction these two have together.  There are always squabbles, but there is also a lot of love.


FaceTiming each other while Big Brother is in Minnesota.


We even made it through a peanut butter and jelly tailgate before Church (which we also made it through, but just barely)!

Our little sweetie also enjoyed her Valentine's day with a little Daddy decoration!

It looks just like a few hearts...

...until he turns around!  She used an entire three sheets of stickers to give her Daddy her heart.  :)

But sadly not everything was hearts and flowers this month.  Someone took a bad spill at Target and her upper lip area took the brunt of it.

Poor little boo-boo.

Height and Weight 
We actually added some ounces this month!  She's up to 28.4 ounces and 34 inches.


Maybe she's gaining because I make such a big deal out of mealtimes.  I don't realize how many pictures I take of her eating! 

Little Sweetie has been a bit emotional this month, but we think that is mostly due to the evils of the incoming two year old molars that keep threatening to break but then do not.  Otherwise, she is still full of personality and fun.  Her favorite new joke is telling everyone "see you soon, baboon!" and laughing hysterically afterward.  She also likes hats!

Sometimes we wear helmets while we watch TV...


...and sometimes we wear fedoras while we are in our nightgowns.  It's always an adventure!

Developmental Milestones
A big moment in January!  We finally got her to sing her ABCs all the way through.  Of course we can't get her to do it for a video, but hearing it each time she does it is still heartwarming.  

We've also had some great development in her fine motor skills.  She's become a pro-banana cutter with her super cool knives.


I'll have her trained to cook dinner in no time!

Fun Tidbits
While it's been a bit exasperating at times, Little Sweetie has started being adorable as she tries to put off her bed time.  She keeps asking for one more story, one more song, a new blanket, and to be wrapped up like a "baby burrito."  Then, as we try to shut of the light, her sweet, musical voice calls out "Just a minute."  I love that voice.  



Little Sweetie's Momma