Thursday, September 19, 2019

September 19

Our sweetest little kindergarten's school year is in full swing!  Momma's had to adjust to not having her little shadow by her side anymore and Little Sweetie has had to adjust to the all day aspect of school.  She's doing very well, just exhausted by the time she gets home.  


Enjoying time at school!

Even though she's adjusting well to kindergarten, she still misses her preschool friends.  Thankfully, we have been able to keep in touch and enjoy a playdate together!


Feeding ducks and picnicking with the old crew!

Thankfully, we still find time to cook together.  I see this activity only becoming more important to us as time goes on.


Sesame meatballs! 


Doing science experiments with a fizzy drink!


Apple cupcakes!



Pasta caprese!


Delicious salmon!

Taking her skills public with cupcake decorating at birthday party!

As fall begins, so does our desire to stay active!  Little Sweetie is excited about earning another marathon medal at Run Club and Chesney is excited for more family walks on cooler concrete.


Three miles in on the first night of Run Club!

Enjoying a family walk!

Height and Weight
Our little Rapunzel may be staying consistent at 46 pounds and just under 44 inches, but her hair is certainly growing like crazy!

Look at those golden locks!

So spunky and fun!  My biggest worry about her starting big kid school is that someone will try to squash her creative and fun impulses.  And then I will have to a fight a child.  May this little girl always stay SUPER!


I always feel safe with this super silly by my side!

Developmental Milestones
It's amazing the things she creates when she's bored and gives herself the opportunity to look for unique ways to use her time.  We've had a bit of a TV issue (we accidentally got her addicted to Scooby-Doo) but when we provide her the opportunities to use her mind, we are continually amazed with what she comes up with.  

Boxes that turn into rocket ships are the best toys.

Fun Tidbits
For Mother's Day, Little Sweetie wanted to take me to a tea shop for a mother-daughter tea party.  With the craziness of my defense and graduation, we didn't have a spare moment to do it until this month.  We had such a lovely time and I am so glad we made time to have this special afternoon together!


Ready for tea and all the treats!


Queen Momma and Queen Sweetie!

How I love this amazing kid!

And that's a wrap.  I'll be back, in October, with a 6 year old.  So bittersweet.



Little Sweetie's Momma