Saturday, July 4, 2015

4th of July!

Happy Fourth of July!  We had a wonderful weekend of swimming, parade viewing, and fireworks!

Big Brother lunching with Little E and J while on a swim break at the pool.  So much fun, but a little bittersweet since we just found out that E and J and the rest of their family will be moving to California next month.  We will miss them so much!

Little Sweetie chowing down her PB&J while taking a break from swimming!

Little E swapped out with our other friend, E.  E, J, and Big Brother will always be fast friends, regardless of where we all live!

Our wonderful group of friends!  Happy to celebrate Independence Day with them!

We started the next morning off with our neighborhood's parade.  The kids are always a fan of it because of all the candy they get!

"Do you see any candy yet, sister?"

Excited for the flags!


And the candy has arrived!

Thanks for taking us to the parade, Daddy!


Cool kids enjoying the parade!

And we headed out that evening for the fireworks!  We were excited to take them.  They were Little Sweetie's first and many times Little Buddy doesn't stay awake to see them.  We were hoping for a good show!

Waiting in the back of the truck for the fireworks to start!

Snacks with Little Sweetie while we wait!


 "There they are, Momma!"


"Oooohhh!!!  Ahhhhh!!!"

Little Buddy was enthralled....

...Little Sweetie, not so much.  It wasn't loud at all where we were, so hopefully she'll grow and enjoy them more next year!

Hope all of you had a wonderful 4th!


Little Sweetie's Momma

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