Thursday, October 19, 2023

Oct. 19: A Decade of Sweetness (and Spice)

We are fully immersed in school now! School friends, school activities, and school work are a lot to keep up with, especially when something is turning 10. 

We started the month out with lots of fun with our school friends, including Bear day with her friend C, and the 4 Musketeers checking out C's new house! She loves her school and we love that she loves it. 

Enjoying their Auction wins from last year and having their day with the Spirit Bear!

Excited to investigate C's new house!

Wearing red in honor of her school friend, G!

Praying virtually at morning announcements before leaving on our trip!

We interrupted her school fun with a quick trip to DC for the MPS Conference, followed nearly immediately by her big 10th birthday gift...a trip to Cedar Point to ride ALL the roller coasters with Uncle C, Aunt D, and J. She had a great time and I've recorded all of those adventures in separate blogs.

Once we got back, we of course didn't slow down and went right into her fall chess tournament. Little Sweetie did very well and tied for 2nd place in her division!


Tournament prep!

Ready for a day of chess!

Super duper proud of herself!



Great job, Monarch Chess Team!

And then it was birthday time! We can't believe Little Sweetie is now a decade old. Since we had her big trip as her milestone present, our celebration at home was a bit more low-key with presents and cake. 





Presents, round 1!


She wanted to make and decorate her own red velvet cake!


Cake time!




Presents round 2!


We love this not-so-little girl!

Height and Weight
Little Sweetie's well check has her at 72 lbs. and 9 oz. and 55.25 inches, so still on track!

Big girl finally lets me work on french braiding her hair!

Very goofy and opinionated.  We are definitely hitting those tween years, but overall she's still happy and calm. But what I really like is that she is a good friend. Little Sweetie and her friends are still able to be "kids" and I love that so much. Praying they can all be happy and drama-free for a long time!


On triplet day with I and T at school and then catching the latest Paw Patrol movie (because of course these 10 year olds are!) with her preschool friend, G!

Developmental Milestones
Continues to spend her time reading and creating. Sometimes it gets a bit crazy around the house with her creative processes, but we remind ourselves we'd rather her be inventing or building and making a mess as opposed to sitting around doing nothing.

Busy, busy!

Fun Tidbits
As per tradition, we got new pictures taken with our favorite photographer, Ms. J, and Little Sweetie decided to go all out with her theme of Artemis, goddess of the moon (which will also be her Halloween costume). 


Beautiful in her celestial dress!



My favorite sibling pair!


Being together is the best gift!


Of course Artemis brought her real bow!

There's our girl!





This girl is perfection. 



Gosh I love her!

No more travel scheduled for a bit (thank goodness!), but I'm sure the next month will be filled with more adventure just the same. Blessed to celebrate another year with our Little Sweetie and looking forward to many more years of fun with her!

Good night, 


Little Sweetie's Momma 

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